There are many sound effects in the stream.
This is still in construction.
Entrance/Exit SFX- When someone leaves or exit the chat room, a the SFX from Brawl when someone enters or leaves a room plays. A Customized Entrance/Exit SFX might follow after the sound, depending on the person.
Customized Entrance/Exit SFX- Play when certain people enter. (
BippoErnesti's List of Customized SFXs)
Nick SFX- When someone has the Nick Changer and changes their nick, or if a ustreamer changes his nick to his/her username, a SFX plays. Beware that if you don't have the nick changer, you get banned.
Scramble SFX- When someone guesses the scramble word correctly in Nintendo Scramble, a coin SFX plays.
Light The Fuse SFX- When someone lights the fuse in Light the Fuse, a ticking SFX plays until it explodes. When it explodes, an explosion SFX plays.
TBBRPG SFX- In the TBB RPG, SFXs from Earthbound play relating to what happened when the battlers attack.
Ban SFX- When you get banned for something, an Earthbound SFX plays.
Jackpot SFX- Narrator from Brawl says "Jackpot" when you win 500 coins in the potion game.
Cursing SFX- When someone posts a curse word in the forum, a SFX from Brawl plays where people gasp.
Time SFX- Every 15 minutes (at _:00, _:15, _:30, or _:45), a narrator says the time. The time the narrator says is always in Eastern Standard Time.
Topic Change SFX- Confirm SFX from Brawl
Quicknick SFX- Victory Sound in Earthbound. First person to type !quicknick gets a load of coins. People after the first lose 200 coins.
Beep SFX- When people post, there is a small beep sound which is the sound from Earthbound when you are talking to people. Try to live with it.
Please tell me if I forgot anything, made a mistake, or you want to add anything.